For more information email Ashley at

Religious Education
for our Parish
The Sunday Morning Religious Education Program is open to children aged 4 through High School. It meets in various locations at the parish from 9:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. each Sunday as scheduled beginning the Sunday after Labor Day weekend and continuing to the Second Sunday in May when we conclude with a May Procession and Crowning in honor of Mary, Mother of the Church.
The Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance, Confession) and Eucharist (First Communion) are celebrated in Grade 2. We strongly recommend that children register for Grade 1 so that they have more time to prepare for these high points in a child’s life.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in High School. We have a two-year program and use “Chosen” as our curriculum. Students must have good attendance (70% or better), complete 20 service hours (10 of them directly related to parish projects), write a saint report (year II only) and attend a confirmation retreat (year II only).
Copies of Baptismal Certificates and other necessary documentation must be provided for all the sacraments.
Click on button below for online registration and payment.